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The Future of Content Creation: Can the Invisible Hand Guide Us Through the Age of AI?

The world of content creation has taken a significant leap forward with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) services that can easily create images, videos, and characters, as well as AI chatbots like ChatGPT. It's now much easier to create content, new services, and apps using AI, and this has both positive and negative implications.


On the one hand, we can expect the emergence of many advanced new services that will transform how we interact with technology. On the other hand, we are likely to see a proliferation of low-level and fake services that could mislead and deceive users.


With the development of video production technology, anyone can now create videos, and while there are many high-quality videos on YouTube, there are also many low-quality and fake videos. This trend raises questions about which generation is more susceptible to being swayed and afflicted with low-level/fake services and information.


It's possible that young people who grew up with AI and the internet will be better equipped to distinguish service quality and identify fake news. However, it's also possible that they will be more vulnerable to manipulation by sophisticated AI algorithms that can personalize content and tailor it to their preferences.


At the same time, we should not discount the role of the "invisible hand" in the information market. While there have been calls for strong centralized information control in the era of turbid information, major news outlets are still struggling to survive, and individual broadcasters who gained popularity quickly can easily fade away. The things that survive are those that contain clear 'value' in them.


As we enter the era of user-created content, feedback, and peer reviews will become more important than ever. We need to be more active in providing feedback and evaluating the quality of content to ensure that only the best content rises to the top.


In conclusion, the rise of AI services has both positive and negative implications for content creation. While it has made it easier to create new services and apps, it has also created a fertile ground for low-quality and fake services. We need to be vigilant in evaluating the quality of content and providing feedback to ensure that only the best content survives in the information market.


위의 글은 내가 한글로 원문을 적고, ChatGPT에게 다시 좀 다듬어달라고 한 내용이다. 아래는 원문


ChatGPT 뿐 아니라, 이미지, 영상, 캐릭터 등을 쉽게 만들어주는 인공지능 서비스가 많아지면서, 이를 이용해서 컨텐츠와 신종 서비스, 앱(app)들을 만드는 것이 굉장히 쉬워진 시대가 성큼 다가왔다. 아니, 사실 이미 쉬웠는데 이제는 훨씬훨씬훨씬 쉬워졌다. 그리고 그게 성큼 정도가 아니라 크게 빵(Big Bang) 하고 다가왔다.

이에 따라 고도화된 신종 서비스가 많이 출현할 것인데, 마찬가지로 저급/가짜 서비스도 많이 출현할 것 같다. 영상제작기술의 발달로 누구나 영상을 만들 수 있는 시대가 오면서, YouTube에 고급 영상도 많아졌지만, 저급/가짜 영상도 많아졌듯이.


한 편으로는 그러한 것이 당연한 시대에 교육을 받기 시작한 젊은 층들은 서비스 퀄리티를 구분하는 능력이 기성세대보다 더 빠르고 정확하게 할지도 모르겠다는 생각이 든다.


저급/가짜 서비스와 정보에 휘둘리고 시달리게 되는 세대는 어느 세대일까. 가짜 뉴스를 톡방에 공유하며 진짜인 것 처럼 이야기하는 모습이 어디에서 더 많이 보이는지 생각해보라.


또한, 고급 서비스를 찾아내는 데 더 밝은 눈을 가지고 있는 세대는 젊은 세대일까, 기성세대일까? ㅎㅎ (나라면, 전자에 배팅하겠다.)


UCC(User Created Contents) 시대가 오면서, 혼탁한 정보의 시대 속에서 강력한 중앙 집권적 정보 통제가 필요하다는 주장도 있었다. 그리고 여전히 그러한 역할이 필요한 지점들도 종종 보일 때가 있다. 


그러나 "보이지 않는 손"이 "정보 시장"에도 동작하지 않을까 하고 나는 생각해본다. 메이저 언론사들도 살아남고자 여전히 발버둥치고 있고, 한순간에 인기를 얻었던 개인 방송인도 어느 순간에는 쉽게 사그라든다. 도태되지 않는 것들에는 그 안에 분명한 '가치'를 담고 있는 것들이었다. (물론, 뇌피셜임...)


내가 쓰는 이 글 또한 사회 구성원들과 사회 현상의 관찰 등을 통해 피드백 될 것이다. 피드백과 동료평가(peer-review)도 더 활발해지겠지. 아니, 더 활발해져야 한다.


(ChatGPT로 쓴 글 아님. 믿거나 말거나.)

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