New Scientist의 "Friendship: Friends in high-tech places" 글에서 발췌
"The underlying incentives have not changed – to find people who will support you emotionally, gossip with you, flirt with you, just be there for you," says Danah Boyd, a principal researcher at Microsoft Research
"But the dynamics have changed because of the technology and because of contemporary youth culture."
정서적으로 공감해주고 농담하고 함께 있어줄 수 있는 사람들을 찾고자 하는 마음은 그대로이지만 그 방법들은 기술과 문화에 따라 변화하고 있다.
about an hour ago
"The key to developing sociable robots is to make them fallible", says John Murray at the University of Lincoln, UK
로봇도 실수를 좀 해야 친근함을 느낄 것
Guy Hoffman 박사와 같은 생각이군
about an hour ago
"People seem more than ever fixed on creating a robot best friend or teacher for children or a robot companion for the elderly," "But the elderly deserve to be able to talk about the end of their lives, what they have lost and what they have loved, with people who understand what love and loss is. A robot can never offer this." says Turkle, who is director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self
사람들은 로봇이 좋은 동료가 될 거라 기대하고 있지만, 막상 인생의 마지막에서 그렇게 중요한 존재가 되지는 않을 거라는 말
about an hour ago